Introducing: Christina Rossetti

Christina Rossetti

Meet Christina Rossetti: poet, and youngest child of a really gifted family. (Her brother, Dante Gabriel Rossetti was also a famous artist and poet.) Scholars remember Rossetti for poems such as "Goblin Market" and "A Birthday."

Rossetti was deeply religious, and many of her poems reflect that devotion. In fact, her religion has been cited as one reason that she never married-- she broke off at least one engagement because her betrothed wasn't as committed to God as she was. Rossetti was by no means a "feminist." She didn't lead any riots or write bold literature encouraging women to act-- much of her work was published before the women's rights movement really took off. 

However, in 1854, Christina Rossetti published a poem entitled, "No, Thank You, John," which was rumored to have been based on her rejection of a suitor. This poem, though lesser known, has rooted within it subtle messages that encourage equality between men and women. 

Stay tuned for a discussion about why this poem was important and how it proves that Christina Rossetti was not only awesome, but ahead of her time. 


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